Thursday, September 9, 2010

Craig Venter, the sea, genomics, and microbes

TED videos....a small nonprofit group produces videos based on the theme "Ideas worth spreading". In this video Craig Venter (remember from our History of Micro? Human Genome, cruising the oceans for genes?) talks about the genomic data they are collecting from the oceans. Watch the video and then comment:

What was the most interesting thing you learned?
What does he hope to accomplish with this research?
What is the significance of microbes on earth and in the sea?
What are transposons?
What is synthetic DNA and what is Venter proposing?


  1. 1. Any Virus that has been sequenced today the genome can be made.
    2. With this project Craig Venter hopes to excite young people go into the science field.
    3. The significance of microbes is that microbes make up roughly half of the earths biomass.
    4.Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert into the genetic code.
    5. Synthetic DNA is the creation of artificial life. Venter is proposing that “we can now have species do what we want them to do.”

  2. -I found the most interesting thing I learned was that microbes make up half of the worlds mass, while humans and animals only make up 1/1000th of the worlds mass.
    -Mr. Venter hopes to be able to map out the genome sequences of as many creatures as he can, as well as find similarities between them and other living things. He also hopes to interest young people into the field of science.
    -The significance of microbes on earth as well as in the sea is the possibilities of all the things we can learn from them. the world of pharmaceuticals, chemical warfare, and science in general are changing due to the genome maps Mr. Venter is making.
    -Transposons are sequences of DNA that can be integrated into different locations of the genome within in a specific cell.
    -Synthetic DNA is exatly what it sounds like, it is man made DNA. With this synthetic DNA Venter is proposing that we can alter species to do the things we need them to do.

  3. 1. The most interesting I learned is that though the human genome is a complicated "reading" people are actually interested in wanting to write their own genetics. There are A LOT of microbes that biologists don't even know about yet, like Venter said with just every 200 mile they sample the water and they 50,000 different species with tremendous diversities.

    2. He hopes to excite more kids in being interested in science. And to map out all genomes possible so in the future we can create our own genome to better our living.

    3. The significance of microbes on earth is that they are basically half of what make up our biomass. They are very important to us because they are everywhere and we use them daily, though we don't really know it.

    4.A transposons is a mobile DNA segment that can insert into a chromosome and cause genetic change.

    5. A Synthetic DNA is synthetic genome that can self-replicate.
    Venter is proposing that these designer viruses can be useful to us later in life. Not only for understanding the basis of biology but for environmental and society issues as well.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1) What was the most interesting thing you learned?
    The most interesting topic that I learned through the video is the subject about the "human genome" DNA sequencing. There are many sequences to the human genome. We compare other dna to our own & relate them to the primary essential DNA. Through that information we can create new forms of life or understand a bit more about ourselves.

    2)What does he hope to accomplish with this research?
    Ventor hopes to spark new fields based off his research & data collection. Through his research there are interesting new topics which can help a new found understanding of our world. Through his collection of data he wants to redesign organisms in hopes to help the human race, cleaner environment, new fuel resources, anything essentially in benefit of mankind except bioterrorism efforts.

    3)What is the significance of microbes on earth and in the sea?
    The Significance of microorganisms on Earth & in the sea is the functionality of the genomic data of living organisms. If we can understand the genome maps/ genetic sequencing. In time we will be able to manipulate them in efforts to help the world & our ecology. Another importance to the microorganisms their ability to bond to our lifestyle, they are everywhere.

    4) What are transposons?
    A transposon is "A segment of DNA that is capable of independently replicating itself and inserting the copy into a new position within the same or another chromosome or plasmid." Definition is acquired from ""

    5)What is synthetic DNA and what is Venter proposing?
    A Synthetic DNA sequencing is a result from over 15 years of Craig Ventor's work. They found a way to artificially create an organism through genetic translation & in the process was able to achieve self assimilation.

    Craig Ventor is proposing that we can create & recreate life through manipulation of the genomic information. By process of elimination we can acquire the minimal genetic sequences which can create or alter new lifeforms. Once we understand the functionalities to these date we can start using this information to construct organisms that can help our efforts to fight off diseases, maybe protect our ecology, create new ways to make oxygen, safer fuel systems in hopes to replace our gasoline fueled country. There's also a possibility for designer organisms, viruses that can be used for war, protection, and making this world a cleaner place.

  6. 1) I thought it was interesting when he was talking about genetically engineered Ebola and Small Pox being used in a biological warfare situation. People tend to freak out when they hear that these things are being sequenced in a lab, but Venter talked about how the DNA sequencing of these viruses are not infectious. That should put people at ease.

    2) Trying to excite young people into going into science. Measuring and sequencing the microbes that are in our environment. They are also trying to find alternate forms of energy by taking the carbon and methane that is in the atmosphere.

    3)Animals make up only 1/1000 as opposed to microbes taking up half of the Earth’s biomass! Each mL of seawater has about a million bacteria and 10 million viruses. It kind of makes you not want to go in the water, yuck!

    4) They are small pieces of DNA that insert randomly in the genetic code. They disrupt the genetic codes function.

    5) Synthetic DNA is the ability to synthesize DNA to make an artificial cell. The cell is able to replicate just like the real thing. Venter wants to use this to make pharmaceuticals, alternate forms of energy, and even food.

  7. 1) There were many facts that I found quite intersting through out the lecture, but the most surprising thing I learned was that microbs make up 1/2 of the earths biomass while animals only make up 1/1000th.

    2) Ventor hopes to map out as many genomes as he can for different species and be able to find similarities between them. He also hopes that we can start to create and write new genomes and some day use this technology to help the environment and save energy.

    3) Microbs are significant in both the ocean and on Earth because they are literally everywhere. They make up more of the Earth's bio mass than humans and other animals combined, thus impacting the earth in great ways. They are also significant because understanding their genomes can lead to the creation of engineered species.

    4) Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code and if they insert in the middle of the gene they disrupt its function.

    5) Synthetic DNA is man-made DNA made from the ability to synthesize DNA. It has the ability to self-replicate. It is important because it will help us further understand the field of biology and is also a stepping stone in the direction creating engineered species.These man-made species will be able to provide food, energy and environmental remediation.

  8. 1. The most interesting thing that i learned while watching this video was that if we drink 1ml of sea water, inside that sea water it contains 1 million bacteria and 10 million viruses.

    2. Venter wants to map out the genome sequence of as many creatures as he possibly can. While doing so he hopes that more younger people, once they hear what his research has found/done.

    3. Microbes are very significant because they literally make up half of the worlds bio mass. They are constantly around us whether its under the sea or on land, their is no way we can hide from them. By understanding their genome it will allow us to be able to manipulate them in the future.

    4. Transposons are simply small parts of DNA that randomly insert in the middle of the gene, by disrupting their code.

    5. Synthetic DNA is basically being able to synthesize DNA, in which an artificial cell can be made. The cell will then be able to replicate itself. Venter is simply proposing that with Synthetic DNA it will be create viruses that will be helpful to us later in life. It will not only be helpful to us but it will allow us ti better understand their biology and how they can work for us in the future

  9. What was the most interesting thing you learned? Microbes make ½ of the earth’s biomass.

    What does he hope to accomplish with this research? His experiment consists of sampling the ocean every 200miles on a sailing vessel partly because he wants to excite young people to go into science. They then take back the different size organ’s DNA that have been filtered through different size filters and they then sequence 100milion letters if genetic code every day .

    What is the significance of microbes on earth and in the sea? We share the same photoreceptor/pigments with organisms in warm waters. Every 200 miles in oceans, there are a great amount of microorganisms that we can use for present and future environmental causes

    What are transposons? Small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code, if insert in the middle of the gene, they disrupt their function.

    What is synthetic DNA and what is Venter proposing? Synthetic DNA is design and construction of genomes from scratch; the ability to change DNA from Genes to genomes. He thinks that synthetic cells will have alot of potential not only for understanding biology but also environmental and society issues

  10. -The most interesting thing I learned is that each mL os sea water has one million bacteria and 10 million viruses!

    -Venter hopes to inspire young people to explore the field of science while sequencing as many genomes as he can.

    -The significance of microbes on earth and on the sea is that they dominate the evolutionary diversity and make up half of the earth's biomass.

    -Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code and can disrupt a gene's function if inserted in the middle of a gene.

    -Synthetic DNA is man-made DNA which can eventually advance the field of biology through oil production and pharmaceutical productions, etc. through the use of microbes.

  11. - Im going to have to agree with Justine on this one and say that the most interesting thing I learned from this 18 minute video, would have to be that ever mL of sea water contains about One million bacteria and ten million viruses.

    - Venter is trying to map out as many genomes from a variety of species as he can. He is also trying to spark an interest with young people in science.

    -It's significant that microbes make up about 1/2 of the earths biomass.

    - Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code and can disrupts a gene's function.

    - Synthetic DNA is man-made DNA, which through the use of microbes can advance our understanding of biology and better our environment as well as our society.

  12. -The thing that I found most interesting was that in every 1ml of sea water we drink, there are one million bacteria and 10 million viruses.
    -Craig Venter hopes to excite more young people and get them interested in the field of science through his research of mapping out the genome sequences of as many species as possible.
    -The significance of microbes on earth and in the sea is that they are everywhere and make up half of the earth’s biomass. Even though we don’t really take notice, we use them in our everyday life and with this research we can hopefully use them to better our world.
    -Transposons are tiny pieces of DNA that randomly insert into the genetic code. If inserted in the middle of the gene it can disrupt its function.
    -Synthetic DNA is the ability to synthesis DNA to make an imitation cell, which will have the ability to replicate itself just like a normal cell. Venter is proposing that by using this method it will hopefully lead to advances in the biology field and maybe one day be able to create engineered species that will do what we want them to do.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What Craig Venter and his team has done is truly extraordinary. Now that he as recreated genomes we will be able to find cures to genetic disorders and many other diseases. This is groundbreaking history of the 21st century. He also stated some interesting facts. "Microbes make up half the worlds bio mass." "Each ml of sea water has a million bacteria." I am definitely going to avoid sea water for a while.

  15. The most interesting thing I learned was that the microbes make up half of the earths biomass. Also I love the part were Craig Venter mentions drinking bacteria and viruses with a gulp of seawater. Craig Venter hopes to accomplish from actually reading the genetic code to writing the codes ourselves. He also mentions getting the young people interested in microbes. The significance of microbes on earth and the sea is that they are everywhere, and it is important to us because we are living with and breathing microbes everyday non-stop. Also it is important to know the characteristics of each microorganism. Transposons “are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert themselves in the genetic code.” Synthetic DNA is the replication of certain cell only made by man. Venter is proposing that with this type of replication a deep study the synthetic DNA will be capable of doing what we design it to do.

  16. The most interesting thing I learned was that microbe diversity is not only more vast than we can imagine... every 200 miles its a complete new diverse area. In the macroscopic world 200 miles couldn't even produce a different sub species let alone a new diverse area.

    with genetic mapping and synthetic creation he could create new food sources, clean fuel, a perfect bio weapon... possibilities are endless and from a tactical standpoint very advantageous. From a humanitarian point we can create a large cost effective food to feed the hungry, create the perfect energy source.

    Transposons are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within the genome of a single cell. (Transposition)

    Synthetic DNA simply is man creating life. Venter proposes we are close to making a single cell organism that replicates its self, but in the next few years we should be able to synthetically create eukaryotic cells, and in the future we can replicate food, clean energy, or anything really.

    The significance of microbes is they make up a vast majority of the bio mass and we are barely understanding the vast amount and numerous of species there are. In 5mL of water he accounted for thousands of microbes and viruses.

  17. 1) The most interesting thing that I learned from this video was how big of an impact microbes have on the earth. I was amazed to hear that they make up half of the earth's biomass. Whereas animals are only responsible for 1/1000th of the earth's biomass. I suppose this was a suprise to me, because microbes cannot be seen by the naked eye so it is hard to comprehend that they could be responsible for so much biomass.

    2)Ventor hopes to excite new people in the field of science. In addition, he also believes that there will be new fields of studies created and he also hopes to map out the genome sequence of as many creatures as possible.

    3) The significance of microbes on the earth and in the sea is that they dominate evolutionary diversity. They also make up for half of the earth's biomass.

    4) Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code. Furthermore, if these transposons insert in the middle of the gene they disrupt its function.

    5) Snythetic DNA is the construction of DNA from the scratch. It is the ability to change DNA from genes to genomes. Ventor is proposing that with the progression of snythetic DNA one day we may greatly benefit from its uses such as new fields of study and programmed artificial intellegence that can make a million different chromosomes per day.

  18. What was the most interesting thing you learned?
    It was interesting to learn that there is such a higher mass of microbes on earth and in the sea than the mass of animals in the world. It's a strange idea to grasp of because we can't see them with our eyes, so we don't think about them.

    What does he hope to accomplish with this research?
    He hopes to not only map the genomes of more species of microbes, but also to create interest in biology and science with young people.

    What is the significance of microbes on earth and in the sea?
    They make up more of the earth's mass than animals do.

    What are transposons?
    Small pieces of DNA that randomly insert themselves into the genetic code. They disrupt the function of genes.

    What is synthetic DNA and what is Venter proposing?
    Synthetic DNA is artificially created cells.
    Venter is proposing that Synthetic DNA can make any virus, but it isn't infective, so it won't be able to be used as a warfare device. Venter believes they will be able to create single cell organisms within 2 years and eukaryotic-celled organisms within a decade

  19. I love going to the beach. To hear that in every mL of sea water has one million bacteria as well as 10 million viruses is disturbing and yet quite interesting.
    He is sampling the ocean every 200 miles on a sailing vessel in order to sequence 100 million letters of the genetic code. He has so far found that in warmer parts of the world there are organisms with the same photoreceptors as human. He has also discovered 1.3 million new genes and 50,000 new species.
    The significance of microbes on earth and in the sea is to see what can basically be useful to us in biology.
    Transposons are small pieces of DNA that insert in the genetic code.
    Synthetic cells are cells that are cloned. This will be potential for environment and society issues according to Venter.

    -Maria Serota

  20. *The most interesting thing I learned from this video is that they are actually thinking about designing a robot that can make millions of genomes a day.

    *With his research, he aims to map out as many genomes as possible and he hopes to encourage future leaders in science to further advance our knowledge on this topic.

    *Microbes make up about half of Earth's biomass and each ml of sea water has one million bacteria and ten million viruses.

    *Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in genetic codes, therefore possibly disrupting its function.

    *Synthetic DNA is artificially made DNA that can self-replicate. Eventually this can lead to genetically engineered species that can be used efficiently for environmental and other scientific purposes.

  21. -The most interesting thing I learned was that “microbes make up about half of the Earth’s biomass!” What also amazed me was that each milliliter of ocean water you swallow has about 1 million bacteria and 10 million viruses.

    -Venter hopes to map out as many genomes from as much species he can. He is going on sailing trips to accomplish his mission.

    -The microbes on earth are significant because they make up "half of the earth's biomass!!!"

    -Transposons are small pieces of DNA that they randomly insert in the genetic code. If they insert in the middle of the gene, they disrupt its function.

    -Synthetic DNA is making your own DNA in a lab and try to get it to self replicate. Venter is proposing that this will one day in the future be beneficial to us. We can someday maybe make things that will benefit our lives and expand the world of biology.

  22. 1. The most interesting thing that I learned was that in each ml of sea water there are 1 million bacteria and 1 million viruses.

    2. Craig Venter hopes to be able to map out the genomes for different species with research.

    3. The significance of microbes are that they make up half of the earth's biomass.

    4. Transposons are small pieces of DNA that are randomly inserted in the genetic code. Transposons can disrupt the function if it is inserted in the middle of the gene.

    5. Synthetic DNA is self replicating man made DNA. Venter is proposing that synthetic DNA can help us understand the basics of biology and environmental and society issues.

  23. The most interesting thing I learned was the information given on Dinococcus Radiodurans and that it can take 3 million rads and not be killed. I find that along with the other information given on it fascinating. I understood that Venter hopes to use synthetic organisms for things like food and energy. The significance of microbes according to Venter is that they make up half of the worlds biomass. The definition that Venter gives us of transposons is that they are are small pieces of DNA that are randomly inserted in the genetic code. Synthetic DNA is self replicationg man made DNA and Venter believes that it can can help us understand the basics of biology.

  24. The most interesting thing to me in this video was that microbes make up half the world's biomass. I think that is incredible and also goes to show how important the study of microbes is. Transposons are cut up bits of DNA that can be inserted into gene sequences. They were used extensively in determining what the minimum number or genes is for a functional organism. Through his research, Venter is trying to use synthetic DNA to create life in the form of a new species. They have created functional viruses in the lab, and Venter hopes that with further research and experimentation they can create organisims to help reverse some of the damage humans have done to the Earth and create new energy sources.

  25. -half the earths bio mass are microbes and that each ml of sea water has 10 million viruses. Also the bacterium Deinococcus radioduran caught my eye. I did some research and it has been listed as the world's toughest bacterium.
    -Venter's goal is to get the younger generation interested in science as well as to map out as many genes as he can.
    - the significance of microbe in the sea and earth is diversity in genes that may enhance the quality of life if used properly
    -transposon are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert them self in genes to disrupt their functions.
    -synthetic DNA are genes selected by man, and assembled the bacterium Deinococcus radioduran. Venter is proposing that organism with synthetic DNA is not only possible, but only a few years away. once this is done, the potential is endless for these organisms

  26. 1) This lecture was very interesting and full of surprising information. However, the most interesting fact I learned is that half of our Earth is made up of microbes. Before this lecture, I had no idea how abundant microbes were!
    2) In Venter’s lecture, he makes it apparent that the message he is sending out, is the importance of knowledge in science. Not only does he want to inspire people about science, he wants to be able to map and create all genomes to better our future.
    3) Microbes are a very significant part of life because they are ubiquitous, meaning that they are everywhere. Not only are they everywhere, but their genome is very important for research for the present and future.
    4) Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code and can disrupt a gene's function.
    5) Synthetic DNA is self created DNA that can self replicate. Venter is trying to intend that synthetic DNA will be a significant product to benefit us in the future. Synthetic DNA will help many people to understand it importance of biology and microbiology.

  27. 1. The most interesting thing I learned in this video was that if someone were to swallow a mouthful of ocean water, there would be a million bacteria in each milliliter of water. It was also interesting to hear that microbes make up half of the worlds mass.
    2. Craig Ventor hopes that with these discoveries and the constant advancement that younger people will become more interested in the sciences.
    3. Microbes make up half of the worlds mass, they are extremely significant in life.
    4. Transposons are pieces of DNA that insert themselves into the genetic code. Depending on where they wind up they are able to disrupt the genes function.
    5. Synthetic DNA is self replicating or manmade DNA. He hopes that eventually cells will be able to clone themselves, and open up many new doors for science.

  28. 1) I found it interesting that he has found other organisms that have the same photoreceptors as humans.

    2) Venter wants to map out as many genomes as he can.

    3) Microbes make up half of the Earth's biomass.

    4) Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code. If they insert in the middle of the gene, they disrupt its function.

    5) Sythetic DNA is man made DNA. Venter is hoping to create single cell organisms in the next two years.

  29. *I found extremely interesting when Craig stated that every milliliter we engulf of sea water contains has one million bacteria and 10 million viruses. When I go swimming at the beach I accidentally engulfed some of the water and now after finding out what's in a milliliter of ocean water it is quite frighting.
    *Craig Venter hopes to accomplish produce clean energy, be able to provide information for developing countries, and set good example for religious point of views.
    *The significance of microbes on earth and in the sea are that there are some organisms that survive in boiling water which live off which lives off on hydrogen. Which allows us to capture all of the carbon and converting it into products we can use. Another organism lives off on carbon monoxide which produces oxygen and hydrogen in order to produce other items.
    *Transposons are small pieces of DNA in which are randomly inserted in the middle of the gene.
    *Synthetic DNA is synthesis DNA as well as being able to design and construct from scratch.
    *Venter proposes wonders if one genome needs all those genes and if there are a smaller set if genes.

  30. 1-The most interesting thing I learned in this video is that microbes make up half of the Earth's biomass. I think that is amazing!
    2-Venter hopes to map out as many genomes of as many species as he can.
    3-The significance of microbes on the Earth and in the sea is that they make up half of the Earth's biomass. They are literally everywhere and are essentially doing everything.
    4-Transpoons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert themselves into the middle of other segments of DNA, disrupting the function.
    5-Synthetic DNA is artifically, man-made DNA; Venter hopes to create a unicellular organism made completely of snythetic DNA, and he hopes it will help people fully understand biology and microbiology.

  31. 1. I think its cool that they are makeing creatures.
    2. Venter is doing so, kids, sailing, ahh mapping genomes.
    3. Microbes are significant because they make up most of the earth.
    4.Transposons are small peices of DNA that get inserted in other DNa
    5. Synthetic DNA is DNA made in the lab.Seems to gard to make

  32. The most interesting fact that i learned was that if you swallow a mouthful of seawater, each milliliter contains a million bacteria and ten million viruses. I'm scared of the ocean so this gives me more of a reason to stay away from it!
    Venter hopes to try to map out as many genomes as he can, while doing so, he also hopes to excite younger people to getting into science.
    The significance of microbes on the earth and in the sea is that they make up half of the earth's biomass.Transposons are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code, if inserted in the middle, it can disrupt the function.
    Synthetic DNA is man made DNA that can self replicate. Venter is proposing that synthetic DNA will be able to help us out in the future of the environment and biology.

  33. Craig Venter’s presentation was loaded with an abundance of information that has been collected over the past few years. He went into detail about the Sorcerer II expedition, and how he hopes to “excite young people about going into science.” Overall, his research is allowing them to compare, contrast and record increasingly more genes and genomes. This will have an impact on all aspects of our future, such as pharmaceuticals, and energy production. It is fascinating and astounding that microbes make up half of the world’s biomass, and animals a mere 1/1000th! The significance of microbes on earth and sea is that they are everywhere in abundance!
    Synthetic DNA is DNA manufactured or synthesized by scientists, perhaps one day it will allow us to manipulate our gene sequence, or the sequences of microbes, and animals.
    Transposons-small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code

  34. 1. What's most interesting to me is how we can break down genes of organisms and recreate them, expecially if we could help endangered species.
    2. ventor would like to be able to map as many genomes, find new sources of energy, and excite young people into science.
    3. they make up half of the biomass of the world,
    4.small pieces of dna that are inserted in the genomic code.
    5.ability to synthesis dna.
    6.ventor proposes that we can create and recreate life

  35. The most interesting thing that i learned was the speed at which this research is being produced. I expected decades wile he was saying months. Craig said that his goal was to help the environment and make it livable for humans until we can find a way to mechanically genetically alter ourselves. The significance of the microbes on land and at see is simply that they are everywhere, they are ubiquitous. Synthetic DNA is DNA that is made by the scientists and their computers. they are able to construct so many more base pairs that the synthetic organisms are visible with a simple light microscope. With their major advancements his goal is to change the evolutionary outlook of mankind.
    John T

  36. 1. I found it interesting when Venter briefly mentions biological warfare. He states that any virus that was sequence today can be made. But it’s interesting to know that the DNA of the organism can’t do much harm. So if someone where to create a genome of Ebola (or any virus), the DNA would not be able to infect. It is only when designer viruses are made that causes real concern, so there is not much to worry about.

    2. His goal is to map out different types of genome and use those to synthesize other microorganisms, and be able to create alternative energy sources and a cleaner environment for a better future.

    3. Microbes in the water and on land are significant because there are millions of different microorganism living in different environments with different genetic information. By able to obtain and learn about the various genetic codes of the microorganisms on land and sea, scientists can manipulate their genetic material and create something beneficial to mankind.

    4. Venter states that transposons are “small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code.”

    5. Synthetic DNA is an artificial DNA, where selected pieces of genetic code are replaced into another DNA to create the ideal DNA. This type of DNA is then able to self-replicate. Venter is proposing of genetically modifying certain organisms with the use of newly found genetic codes, in order to improve environmental conditions and human living.

  37. -microbes make up half the worlds mass.
    -he hopes to make science more interesting and to create oue own genome
    -significance of microbes on earth and se is that they impact many ways. Understanding genome will lead to many advantages
    -transposens are sequence dna that can be integrated into different locations of the genome.
    -sythetic dna:creation of artificial dna
    -ventor proposes that we can manipulate species.

  38. 1. It was interesting learning about the photoreceptors that these microbes have. Who would of thought they get their energy from the sun? It also was very interesting learning about all the things that they could do with synthesized DNA.

    2. Venter hopes to help young people get into science. He wants to learn more about microbes, genetics, and to expand genomes. In the future he hopes to create designer viruses, single celled organisms, and other constructs.

    3. Microbes are so significant because they make up half the earth’s biomass, each milliliter of water has a million bacteria and even more viruses.

    4. Transposons are small pieces of Dna that randomly insert into the genetic code.

    5. Synthetic DNA is artificial DNA. Venter proposes to expand genomes by synthesizing DNA. By doing this he hopes he can accomplish several things such as the reuse of fuels like carbon, and the creation of engineered species for food and energy.

  39. Ruby Lemos
    - I learned that organisms can be genetically modified through synthetic DNA.
    -He wants to encourage youth to get involved in science and possibly start a movement of new technology.
    -The significance of microbes on earth and in the sea is to learn about each microbe genetic code to find new way of assisting organisms or even how they might assist human kind.
    -Transposons -is a sequence of DNA
    -Synthetic DNA is like a clone, imitation, or carbon copy of a DNA sequence but mostly a proposal to modify microbes.

  40. There were several interesting things about Venter's presentation, but the one that caught my attention was that microbes in the ocean have the same photoreceptors as we do! They rely upon light in the same manner too!
    Venter wants to expand his genome project and continue to map out new species as well as exciting a new generation to become interested in science.
    The significance of microbes on earth and sea is that they make up nearly half of the biomass of the earth and they have a significant impact upon our daily lives.
    Transposons are a sequence of DNA inserted into a chromosome.
    Synthetic DNA is artificial DNA constructed in a lab.
    Venter desires to continue making strides in his genome project while emphasizing the importance of microbes to the world as he highights their existence and importance.

  41. 1. What was the most interesting thing you learned?
    I learned that only 1 to 2 organisms observed had the same eye pigments as we humans have.

    2. What does he hope to accomplish with his research?
    On his expedition, he hopes to sequence many other genomes. He hopes to make the world and the future a better, healthier, and cleaner place.

    3. What is the significance of microbes on earth and in the sea?
    Just the fact that microbes are everywhere! They make up roughly half of the earths biomass.

    4. What are transposons?
    They are small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code. If they insert in the middle of the gene code, they will disrupt its function.

    5. What is synthetic DNA and what is Ventor proposing?
    Synthetic DNA is artificial DNA made in a laboratory. Ventor is proposing that this synthetic DNA is very significant and will help him and other microbiologists learn more about creating viruses, or just about the microbiology field in general.
