Use the following tips when posting your comments:
1. Use appropriate language; follow netiquette rules. Inappropriate comments will be deleted and will earn a zero for the assignment.
2. Check your spelling and grammar! You may want to write it in Word to do this and then copy and paste into the comment box (plus you can save the comment for turning later—see #6).
3. Use your first name only (if there are more than one of you with the same first name, use your middle or last initial—let me know which), and just the first names of your classmates.
4. Follow the assignment instructions completely. Read information or view videos thoroughly before commenting.
5. Give well thought out, complete comments that add to the conversation. Ask questions; give additional information, links, etc.
6. Remember that you will be required to turn in your best comments for a grade, so in addition to doing a good job, keep a record of your comments with the date, and the comment. Much easier than to try to go back and search through the posts to find your comments later, trust me.