Friday, February 3, 2012

The purpose of this blog is to give you, the students, the opportunity to share your thoughts, assignments, and projects with each other and perhaps the world. It is a classroom blog to begin with, however if you want to start your own blog we can certainly talk about that! The blog will be the hub of collaboration and sharing for our class. You will also comment on the work of your classmates. Finally the blog will become a repository of your good ideas.

We will learn some cool easy Web 2.0 tools to help you complete assignments and projects. You may already know some and can teach me! Eventually, with your own blog or using something like Google docs, you can begin to create an eportfolio of your work. This blog is different from our BB site because it allows you to embed projects, comment directly on other's work, read postings from guests, and more. There will be plenty of guidelines for you to follow and information on how, when, why, etc. So don't freak out! We will ease into it and I promise it will enhance your learning and not just take time away from your studies.

Take the survey on web tools (posted on BB) and watch the following video. Go to the "Tips for Blogging" page here and then share your thoughts (via comments below) on your reaction to using a blog in our class by answering the following questions: Have you blogged before? How do you think it might be helpful? What is your biggest concern? What might be fun about blogging here?

Let's get started!

Blogs in Plain English:


  1. This is all new to me. I attempted to blog once for a class last year, but could not get it to post. Blogging might be helpful because you will be able to read and share ideas and opinions with other people in your class that you might not get to know or talk with. My biggest concern will be if the blog will work for me this year and will I be able to post my postings.

  2. I have never blogged before unless forums count, but it took me about ten minutes just to find where to comment. I think that this could be helpful in the way that students can share many of their concerns that they may have in common with other students and not even know it. Students may also be able to find answers to questions faster than through emails. My biggest concern is that not all students will participate in the blog. Also I saw that previously there was a blog about the movie Contagion, so I think that movies related to microbiology might be fun to blog about. As for anything else I think that as I learn more about biology I will find interesting topics in the medical field.

  3. I use a site called tumblr, but i usually just reblog pictures and quotes that interest me. i dont really add my own personal comments. This might be helpful if someone is shy, it'll allow them to interact with others in a sense without taking them outside their comfort zones. My only concern about blogging is how fast information can travel, I mean it could be a good thing if the information is correct; however, if the information is incorrect then it could spread just as fast. The fun part could be the stories that you can read and share and the amount of information you can obtain while also getting feedback from others.

  4. Have you blogged before? No, I have never blogged before but it looks like it can be a useful tool in learning.How do you think it might be helpful? I think it will be helpful by seeing other peoples' perspective on things. What is your biggest concern? That I will have nothing interesting to add to the conversation...just kidding...nothing other than just learning how to use the blog for information.What might be fun about blogging here? Learning a new skill that might help me in other areas of my life, also hearing what others have to say.

  5. I reblog pictures on tumblr but I’ve never formally blogged for a class before. I think blogging might be helpful because we can all see each other’s opinions and elaborate more on their perspectives and view- points. My biggest concern would be forgetting to blog or having difficulty posting my comments in the future since I have never done this before. I think blogging might be fun because we can all interact and help each other on topics that might be confusing.

  6. I am also a stranger to blogging. I know a number of people who are bloggers, and I have heard the term for years. I must be honest- I don't think I ever truly knew what a blog was. But now that I have seen an informative video, I have a fresh perspective on the matter. Now knowing what blogs are, I think they are a good idea for any topic. It gets ideas out there for others to read and generates thoughts and more ideas. For this class, I think this will be a very useful tool to our learning endeavors in this course. Looking forward to learning in this course and seeing what 'food for thought' we can generate collectively.

  7. No,I have never blogged before,but I have heard of it.It will be helpful to learn new information's and what other people's views and opinions are ? My concern would be what if I am wrong and my English, grammatical errors.I like to read articles relating to biological science,so I think this blog will give me more interesting things to know.

  8. Blogging is extremely new to me, a bunch of my friends are into blogging. But I've never gotten into it, mainly because I didn't think I would have anything good to write about. After exploring this blog for a little bit, it seems like blogging can be really useful, especially for this class. My biggest concern? Probably getting the hang of always checking the blog and making sure that I've posted a post correctly. What might be fun about blogging? Learning a new a skill, since this will be my first time using a blog it will be fun interacting with each other. Also, reading all the useful/interesting topics that are being posted!!

  9. I have never formally blogged before, unless you would count "repinning" a picture on Pinterest. I think it might be helpful in a sense that everyone, including the professor, in our class can come to this specific site to share what they might think will be useful to the other students. It seems like it would be a great tool for everyone to help everyone. My biggest concern is that if the blogging is mandatory and has a due date, I won't have time really to finish just because it doesn't relate to the biology class directly. I think it would make things a little more interesting because from reading the past blogs it kind of shows biology in some many different ways and proves that we do see, use and encounter biology a lot more often than we think.

  10. No, I have never blogged before, but I have heard of it. I think blogging can be really useful for this class. It's great to have one place where everyone can come and share their opinions. My biggest concern is probably getting the hang of always checking the blog and making sure that my comments are posted correctly. What might be fun about blogging? It will be nice to learn a new skill as well as reading useful topics that are being posted.

  11. Lisa
    I have heard of blogging but I have never tried it myself. I think it would be helpful for this course for questions people may have. My concern would be my lack of experience with blogging although I have posted responses on blackboard. I think it would be fun to become more familiar with how it works.

  12. Yes, I have blogged before using a website called Tumblr. I reblog pictures or quotes that other people posted or created. I feel like blogging is a good way to release any tension one might feel and they can treat their blog like an online journal.

    I think blogging can be helpful by being able to read everyone's input. A person might be shy to ask a question during lecture so they can always turn to the blog. My biggest concern for the blog would be people being too personal. Someone might get offended or whatever the reason is and cyber bullying is the last thing anyone would want to happen. I think it would be fun that everyone can talk to each other. We can all ask questions we forgot to ask in class. It'll be like emailing each other.

  13. I have never blogged before, only because I never had a reason to until now. I am familiar with what a blog is and have read some. I am sure blogging can be very helpful especially when it comes to sharing information. I don't really have any concerns in regards to blogging. I am concerned about forgetting to check it. I am not into social media so I don't see myself blogging too much after this class. This whole experience might turn out to be fun since it's not something I normally do.

  14. I have heard of blogging; howver, I have never blogged before. I am hesitant to start blogging, but I think once I start to use it, I can enhance my interests and look at current events from various perspectives. In my opinion, the fact that people can read, quote, and link, is the most valuable aspect of blogging because it connects people and ideas. Although I am fearful to blog, I am also excited to see how it can enchance my learning.

  15. I am very new to blogging. I have a friend that blogged about her whole pregnancy with her son. I read it and what was cool was she was able to have conversations with other moms/pregnant women that are going or have gone through the same things. I think it will be helpful to me throughout this course to have a way to contact my classmates and talk to them about any concerns or questions I may have.

  16. Blogging? This is the third time I have written in this box, but have yet to post anything. I keep losing it, I am so blogging illiterate. What was the assignment that was do on the 13th, adding a blog or doing the monkey survey? Help... anyone!

  17. I too have never blogged. I have heard of blogging and believe it can and will be a great tool. The closest I've come to blogging is by posting on Facebook or by finding other people's blogs when I Google something.
    My biggest concern is sounding foolish to my classmates and even professor. However, with all of us with busy work/school/family schedules, I hope this proves to be an easy way to obtain information... or even starting a conversation or critical thinking point.

  18. I have never blogged before; so all this is very new to me. Looking through the blog, I believe this can be a useful and helpful tool during the class and even after. Being able to view other peoples ideas and current events that can apply to what we are learning in class will make everything really interesting. My biggest concern is that I fall behind or I don’t completely understand what I’m supposed to be doing. But once I get the hang of it, I think it will be fun to get to see people’s opinions about various topics, especially pertaining to microbiology. ☺

  19. I've never blogged before, (if that's even a word) and already i find it to be annoying. it just seems like having to check in for assignments and posts and other blog stuff feels like a hassle. Don't get me wrong i'm pretty computer savy but creating this account alone was a pain. I'm a busy person as i'm sure the rest of you are, with other classes and even work! so i feel like this is just one more thing i have to worry about. i understand that we can use this as a tool to help us communicate with other students and also help us study but, i am literally a starving student, i live on my own and mommy and daddy don't help me buy things so my computer access is limited. i feel like keeping up with this blogging is not going to be my strong points...


  20. I have blogged before, and it seems like it could be helpful if someone has useful information to share with others. I have no concerns with blogging. Blogging here could be fun since it is a unique way to interact with the course material and our fellow classmates.
