Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Contagion! Fact or Fiction

Coming this September! Warner Brothers' version of a pandemic: Contagion.

View the trailer and comment on what you think the movie is about and how this movie relates to what you think you might learn in our class. In addition, what role would you play or who would you be in the movie if it were real life? In other words how does this movie relate to the career you envision for yourself. Policy maker/politician? Nurse, doctor, EMT? Researcher? Epidemiologist? We'll talk more in class about pandemics, fear, could this happen? We'll have to wait until the movie comes out before we can talk about how factual it is. In the meantime, remember, it's just a movie....


  1. Looks like this movie has a lot to do with contagious disease, something we have just barely touched upon in class. It relates the idea of how easily things are spread and even makes me think about lab, with the quote "The average person touches their face 3-5 times per waking minute." I was reminded of the orange paint we looked at on Thursday.
    As far as how this relates to my future field of work, I would like to be a nurse, so if this were to happen, I would be one of the people taking care of the millions of infected, all the while trying to protect myself and my family.

  2. This movie points out again the over-arching them of our class-mircobes are ubiquitous. Life wants to live and it will find a way to do that. The movie also highlights out how small our planet is becoming with global transportation.
    I want to be a dental hygienist, so for me the message is to learn the proper sterile techniques so that I don't spread contagious material from one person to another.

  3. i feel like the movie has to do with a virus. one that we havent been able to identify and obviously is able to infect and multiply at a rapid pace. it relates directly with our class because it has to do with pandemics, epidemics, and virus, and the way they spread. even aseptic techniques. i plan on becoming a nurse so a movie like this DEFINATELY intrigues me. i feel that some virus' and disease are so quick to grow and spread that this movie may become reality.

  4. I feel like that this has something to do with an unknown disease that we don't have any treatment nor vaccine for it. It also proved that bacteria/microbes are ubiquitous. Just by touching other people, this disease can be passed on to other people.
    I plan to become a nurse, so if this movie were to become reality, I am one of the person who would treat or assist this people.

    ---Ronelyn P.

  5. In class we identified the fact that many microorganisms live outside us and inside us as well. Contagion seems to identify the microbes that are harmful to humans such as a virus that infects and kills humans fast similar the plasmodium parasite that causes malaria. Although malaria is not a virus and is not passed from person to person, it does kill humans rapidly and that is what appears to be happening in the film. If this happened in real life I would insure that my loved ones and myself are safe. I would most likely be the nurse to help treat the infected patients because it is the profession I desire to become.
    -Amy W.

  6. Saw the movie on Saturday. My rating: four stars out of five. They left a few loose ends story wise, but overall a decent flick.
    I can understand why health organizations work so hard to prevent/limit outbreaks because prevention is easier than cure.

  7. If the movie didn't seem scary enough, knowing just the portion of what we have learned in class so far makes it even more frightening. Because this could certainly happen! We know that many types of organisms can evolve into new strains therefore making a vaccine impossible to create, and even that treatment is not always a guarantee. So if there were a totally new virus that appeared then there would be no possibility that scientists would be able to research it (sometimes it take years to make these types of vaccines). And seeing how biological warfare is a risk I wouldn't be surprised if there were virus's like this already being created in a lab somewhere. As it would pertain to the field that I am headed to as a nurse I would be greatly effected by something like this because I would be one of the first exposed therefore, most likely the first to die... scary!

  8. This movie is going to be interesting! I saw the preview before the semester started and was so intrigued because I knew that this was the kind of stuff we would be learning about in class. It looks like the contagion is most likely a virus that wipes out the entire world population. I am excited to see how closely it all relates to what we are learning. The virus in the movie obviously mutates at a fast pace and that is an issue we are facing with viruses that exist in the world today. If this happened to us and I was working in a hospital as a nurse, I would definately be afraid if we were treating people and knew little to nothing about this thing that is killing people at alarming rates. I would be afraid for my own health and by working in such close quarters with it, I would probably contract it and die. This mass media will definately put fear in the public and we will all be even more afraid of death and disease.
    -Michelle Arbogast

  9. I loved the movie! I love how it ended! I liked that the movie was not over the top crazy like most movies today. It was a realistic view on something that could possibly happen. I thought the layout of the movie was very good and where the virus came from was a very unique idea. I also thought that the movie showed reality, unlike the zombie movies. It was realistic with a great ending!

  10. This movie is about a virus that emerges from the birds. A new mutation of the bird flue that is highly virulent, deadly, and with a very high mutation rate. Basically it spreads fast, it kills, and before we can find a cure it changes itself so that we can not stop it. The only way to stop it would be to isolate infected people and stay away from the virus.
    I our class we have learned about methods human kind has devised to fight spread of germs and how some methods these creatures use to infect humans. But we have also learned that most germs are beneficial to us, which I believe this movie fails to mention. I believe people need to be scared so as to change their unsanitary ways of life specially in public places and this movie does just that.
    If I was in the movie I would be a doctor trying to stabilize infected people so keep them alive as long as possible until the cure was found. I would also try and devise methods to stop the spread of the virus.

  11. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought that a virus of this magnificance could be spread. Just like the movie showed, it really only takes one infectious person to not wash there hands, for the entire epidemic to spread!
    Being in this class and watching this movie really strengthens my aseptic techniques and urge to teach/show others how easy it is for bacteria and viruses to spread!

  12. This movie gave me a whole new appreciation for aseptic technique. It also made me hyper aware of how truly disgusting movie theaters are: stale, recycled air, old popcorn-breath smell, stains all over the seats, sticky junk on the hand rests...... ick! Being extremely attentive and super vigilant to what I and others are doing, where and what my hands are touching, etc. is something I will definitely take more into account after seeing this film. I suppose, as a future nurse, I would be next in the line of fire to get infected after the initial cases, which is quite alarming. Oh well ;p Something's going to kill you sooner or later, might as well be helping somebody else. And as an answer to the question about pandemics and fear: yes, this has happened and will definitely happen again. Hopefully it won't be something as gross as Ebola, however. YUCK.

  13. Opps I forgot to put who I would like to be in the movie! I would like to play Kate Winslet's character, Dr. Mears. I like her role in the movie. I think traveling to where to virus struck was very interesting and I think it would be fun to be an "investigator".

  14. I finally saw the movie on Saturday. I really did like it. As a few have said, there were some odd tangent stories with loose ends. Of course there were some Hollywood shortcuts, but I think most of the science was explained pretty accurately and not like it might in a documentary--just enough.I did think the ending was perfect (bats, not birds). I would have been one of the epidemiologists--hopefully not Kate Winslet! I thought Jude Law was a little goofy in his bubble head suit. I loved the talk about the genetics of the virus and the genes from different organisms. We'll talk about Bird flu (not bats) in regard to this...stay tuned...

  15. Contagion was a disturbing apocalyptic film I did like. Keeping in mind all the good and bad I heard about it. The movie was more a documentary with a hint of story to me...maybe because I watched the new episodes of Killer Outbreaks on National Geographic last week with the same story/educational set up. I really liked the movie Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman, Cuba Gooding Jr, Rene Russo, etc... that was a "movie" that made you wonder can that happen? Contagion with also a great set of award winning cast members I found to be more of an educational reminder of our daily contacts and how easily things get spread around...a reality check. Virus, bacteria, parasites do not discriminate when it comes to their host. We do not think about what we touch or do in public. We are suppose to be careful with washing, covering our cough or sneeze, touching our faces or putting our finger or items in our mouth, etc. All throughout the film I found myself captivated and never loosing interest in the scenarios or characters Jude was even funny to me. I found everything in the film to be possible to believe. This is everything we are learning and going to learn in class. The film gives a honest and terrifying look at a scenario that we can only hope will never happen. Especially, speaking as a LVN continuing to be an RN.

  16. This movie was really good. I actually wanted to watch it when I saw the preview awhile ago and now that we get extra credit for it, it's even better. The movie was kind of scary when you think about the fact that it could happen in real life. I am definitely more aware of washing my hands and touching things. This movie relates to the topic of viruses that we are starting to learn about in class. If I was in the movie, I would be a nurse because it is also my future occupation. As a nurse, if something like this breaks out, I would be needed to help the people who were infected.

  17. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought that a virus of this magnificance could be spread. Just like the movie showed, it really only takes one infectious person to not wash there hands, for the entire epidemic to spread!
    Being in this class and watching this movie really strengthens my aseptic techniques and urge to teach/show others how easy it is for bacteria and viruses to spread!
    Kristie H.

  18. Finally saw the movie last night, and really enjoyed it! already answered most of the questions in my previous post, but to add on...
    One of the things it brought up was that the one doctor (the father of one of the scientists) had continued to work to try to help the sick people when many other health care professionals had given up. Made me think about what I would do, in that same situation. As a pre-nursing student, I have to take into account that we dont always know what diseases are going around, and people need care, whether I know Im immune or not. It's all part of the job though. Ultimately, the whole movie made me all the more aware of how often I touch my face, and how quickly things spread.
    Casey J

  19. This was a great movie to watch while learning about viruses and transmission in lecture. If I was a character in the movie, I most see myself as Kate Winslet's character, the researcher. I am planning to go into the dietetic field, so sanitation is a big issue for me. She was attempting to find the source and how the virus was transmitted, and if the virus had been food/water borne it would have been pertinent to my field of work. I can easily believe the pandemonium that would ensure should an event like this happen; however, the timing seem far too fast to be believable.

  20. I think this movie is about how germs are everywhere and how we could contract a disease from something we typically overlook on a daily basis. This movie relates to what I think I might learn in class because it shows how deadly bad bacteria can be. If it were real life, I would like to be Laurence Fishburne’s character because he seems the most informed out of all the characters and is trying to solve this epidemic. With the hopes of one day being a nurse, I would like to be informed about diseases and would love to try to solve an epidemic that has killed so many people.

  21. This movie looks like it will be a good one. By looking at the trailer I can guess that its about a contagious parasite that is effecting people and spreading through cities very quickly. It relates to what we've learned about parasites it class and how quickly they multiply and how they effect a persons health. In the movie it seems that everyone has figured out they need to stay away from the infected people and that also relates to what weve learned in class how how to prevent ourselves from getting a parasite and the propper hygiene practices that we should follow. Its really an eye opener and makes me feel much more aware of the possibility of something like this really happening. I am looking forward to going to see this movie!

  22. Hello KC, tried but failed to find a contact email for you...I'm a former CSU professor of microbiology and I've written a microbiology-themed thriller (PETROPLAGUE by Amy Rogers) about hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria contaminating the fuel supply of Los Angeles and paralyzing the city. The book is page-turning fiction but it has tons of accurate science in it. If you'd like a free ebook copy for review, let me know.
    Learn more at
